Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry Inspection (APR)

Acoustic Pulse Reflectometry encompasses an acoustic pulse traveling down the air enclosed in the tube.

As long as the pulse does not encounter any changes in the tube cross-section, the pulse continues to propagate, with some attenuation due mainly to friction between the molecules of air and the tube wall.

If any discontinuity is encountered, reflected waves are created, which propagate back up the sensor/tube.

The more abrupt the changes in cross-section, the stronger these reflections are.

These reflections are then recorded and analyzed by the software to determine what kind of discontinuity caused them. Discontinuities diagnosed include defects such as holes, corrosion, wall loss, and tube bulges.


  • Higher speed inspection compared to other tube inspection techniques.
  • Highly sensitive to holes and blockages (holes and wall loss defects have separate signatures).
  • Not dependent on material, any materials can be inspected.

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