Eddy Current Testing (ECT Tubing)

Eddy current testing of tubes is an effective way of assessing the condition and lifespan of tubes, particularly in the power generation, petrochemical, chemical, fertilizer, and air conditioning industries. The technique is applied to detect corrosion, pitting, cracks, erosion, and other changes to both the tube's interior and exterior surfaces.

The technique is only suitable for non-ferrous materials such as stainless steel, copper, and titanium.

Eddy current testing uses electromagnetic induction to identify defects in the tubing. A probe is inserted into the tube and pushed through the entire length of the tube. Eddy currents are generated by the electromagnetic coils in the probe and monitored simultaneously by measuring probe electrical impedance. The information revealed by the probe will detail the tube defects. The scanning data will be recorded by the software and kept as a backup for future reference.

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