Phase Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT)

Phased arrays are used for a wide variety of inspection and measurement applications, and they can be used for any job done by conventional ultrasonics. For example, phased arrays are used to detect and image defects including cracks, voids, and pits caused by corrosion. They are used to measure material and coating thickness and to detect changes in material properties. Another common application is to assess the quality of welds and rivets. Phased arrays are also used to inspect joints and interfaces.

Phased Array Ultrasonic Testing (PAUT) probes are composed of several piezoelectric crystals that can transmit/receive independently at different times. To focus the ultrasonic beam, time delays are applied to the elements to create constructive interference of the wavefronts, allowing the energy to be focused at any depth in the test specimen undergoing inspection.


  • Increased Flaw Detection Ability.
  • Increased Inspection Speed.
  • Reliability of Results.

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