Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM)

Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) is a side effect that develops as residual magnetization in parent metal or welded joints created during fabrication, or as a result of the local magnetization state of parent metal or an inspection object changing irreversibly in areas of stress conventration or damage under loading.

MMM is typically an aftereffect that is closely tied to the distribution of natural magnetic fields and the cumulative stress-strain that the ferrous or paramagmetic material has endured.

How Metal Magnetic Memory (MMM) works

Contacting MMM

The contact MMM technology has been used in various engineering field such as oil and gas industry, power generation, aviation, railway transport, sea transport and metal structures. This technology can be applied to inspect stress condition in the welding, normal surface sorunder insulation without removing the insulation.

The technology is direct-contact with inspection object obtaining the position and actual stress condition of the inspection object

Non Contacting MMM

Capable of detecting the maximum high stress segment associated with potentionly problem of the buried pipeline.

The Technology is a partial technology combining with contacting MMM Technology. NCMD detection is based directly correlated of natural magnetic fields of inspection.


  • The MMM method unites the potential opportunities of non-destructive testing (NDT) and fracture mechanics due to which it has a number of significant advantages over other methods at inspection of industrial objects.

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